DigiCert S/MIME Certificates
DigiCert S/MIME certificate stands for “Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.” It’s a technology that is used to encrypt emails. This email signing protocol uses encryption to enhance email security. S/MIME is implemented using S/MIME certificates.
This technology will let you sign your emails thereby letting you verify that you are the legitimate sender of the email. This will help your recipients fight off phishing attacks and safeguard your emails from unauthorized access.
How Does a S/MIME Certificate Work?
Emails encrypted using S/MIME certificates use asymmetric encryption. You must protect an email that you send to a friend if you don’t want anyone else to view it. You can encrypt your email using a public key to make it impenetrable to tamper. Not merely your friend, to whom you plan to send that secure email, may access this public key.
However, without the private key, only your friend has access to the email’s contents. Your friend is the only one who can access the private key, decrypt the email, and access it. A S/MIME certificate functions in this manner.
You will require an email signing certificate, which you can buy from a certificate authority, in order to sign and encrypt your emails. This certificate can be used to electronically sign emails. This certificate will instantly be added to your email after you purchase it.
The public key is used for authentication, whereas the private key is used to create digital signatures. The two keys that are connected to the digital signature are the public and private keys. The email sent is unchanged and only the intended recipient may access it, according to the digital signature.
Benefits of DigiCert Client Certs
- Prevent Tampering: Add an extra layer of protection with multi-factor authentication, so even if valid user credentials get into the wrong hands—access is still denied and communications are safe.
- Secure Environment Access: It allows you to secure your network, applications, and interfaces, only permitting access from authorized individuals.
- Device Authentication: The need for device authentication grows as enterprise networks expand. These certificates protect devices and control access so only authorized individuals can use them.
- Encrypt & Sign Email: Allow senders and recipients of e-mail to verify that the content they’re sharing is legitimate. Encrypt communications using S/MIME, the most trusted e-mail encryption technology.
Uses of S/MIME
S/MIME can be used to
- Make sure the email you sent has not been altered by any third party.
- Create digital signatures to sign your emails.
- Encrypt all your emails.
- Verify the email client you use.
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